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4 Signs Your Eyesight Is Degenerating
May 10, 2024

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe vision loss in people over 50 years old in the United States.  According the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, over 7.3 million Americans are at risk for vision loss from macular degeneration.  This condition is typically diagnosed in people over 50 years old and can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of vision.  Here are four potential early signs of macular degeneration.

1. Difficulty Seeing in Low Light

You might find yourself squinting to read or focusing on work in relatively low light. When you need brighter light to read or focus on small items, local optometrists take that as a sign your eyesight is degenerating. Reading glasses or contact lenses can help make it easier to read and focus on small things without requiring brighter light. You also might consider different types of eye surgery.

2. Eyes Take Longer to Adjust to Low Light

Another sure sign of macular degeneration that local optometrists look for is when patients say it takes longer for their eyes to adjust to low light. You might enter a movie theater with low lights while the feature is playing and be virtually blind.

3. Blurry or Blind Spots

Another common sign of macular degeneration is when your eyes have blurry or blind spots in your field of vision. Your vision becomes distorted and might make it harder to focus. You might even have trouble recognizing familiar faces until you are up close.

4. Straight Lines Appear Wavy

Macular degeneration can cause straight lines, such as telephone poles, to appear slanted or bent.  Optometrists refer to this phenomenon as metamorphopsia and is a classic symptom of macular degeneration. 

Taking care of your eyesight is something you should make a priority. If you notice any of the four signs of eyesight degeneration, you can call us, or schedule an appointment online, to have your vision diagnosed and determine the best way to correct your vision. Contact our team at Bright Side Eye Care today.

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